Guglielmo Menchetti

MSc in Computer Science @ UIC | MSc in Computer Engineering @ Politecnico di Milano


Theses and Publications

Here you can find my Bachelor's and Master's Theses, papers created for various classes during my academic years, and publications (for now just one) in which I took part.



  • G. Menchetti, Z. Chen, D. J. Wilkie, R. Ansari, Y. Yardimci and A. E. Çetin. Pain Detection from Facial Videos Using Two-Stage Deep Learning, 2019 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2019, pp. 1-5. [link]

Other papers

  • G. Menchetti, L. Norcini and F. Sandrelli. Answering Binary Questions on Products In A Noisy Setting, Natural Language Processing class project, UIC, 2018. [link]

  • G. Menchetti and L. Norcini. Sales Prediction, Data Mining and Text Mining class project, Politecnico di Milano, 2018. Paper [link] and GitHub project [link]